Foi sugerido ao dono a utilização de eletroacupuntura como técnica de 1ª escolha para restabelecer o fluxo energético da espinal medula e promover a ativação neuromuscular.Pode ver-se na fotografia uma das sessões de eletroacupuntura. Tratado durante cerca de 10 sessões, bissemanais, foi possível recuperar uma deambulação quase perfeita, se bem que fosse necessário recorrer a fitoterapia chinesa para promover a livre circulação do Chi.
This dog of undefined breed, about 10 years old, has fallen on a stone stairs about 1 week ago, which lead to paralyses of its hindlimbs. Neurological exam has revealed flaccid paralysis of the hindlimbs and the musculus atrophy has already started. The cutaneous panniculus reflex was abolished on the level L1-L2. The X-ray brought from the clinic of reference did not show anything abnormal.
It was recommended to the owner to use electroacupuncture as first priority technique in order to re-stabilize the energy flow of the spinal cord and promote neuromuscular activity. The poto shows one of the electroacupunture sessions. Treated with approximately 10 sessions, each two weeks, it has become possible to recover almost perfect ambulation, although it was still necessary to use Chinese phytotherapy to promote free circulation of Qi.