Impõe-se, sobretudo no caso da pulga, uma abordagem Holistica (do grego holos que significa inteiro ou todo) ou seja, tratar não só dos 5% dos insectos adultos que se encontram no animal de companhia, mas também dos cerca de 95% que se encontram sobre forma de ovos, nimfas e larvas espalhados por toda a casa, mas sobretudo nos locais onde o animal permanece mais tempo, como camas, sofás, e muitas vezes a cama do próprio dono.
Muitas vezes a sensação que se tem ao aplicar os produtos insecticidas no animal de companhia é de que este não é da boa qualidade, dado que as pulgas parecem nunca mais acabar. Temos assim que nos debruçar sobre qual a melhor forma de eliminar os ovos, nimfas e larvas.
Existem 2 formas essencialmente: a primeira inclui uso de produtos insecticidas como os sprays para matar baratas e formigas que podem comprar-se em qualquer supermercado. O segundo processo surgiu recentemente no mercado e consta de um spray com produto natural que bloqueia os órgãos respiratórios destes animais. Sem dúvida que o segundo é da nossa preferência por ser inofensivo para nós e os nossos queridos animais de estimação e estão na actualidade apenas disponíveis nas clínicas medico veterinárias.
No caso das carraças, apesar de usarmos produtos insecticidas devemos evitar que eles se passeiam em zonas de mato mais espesso, pois mesmo assim podem aparecer com carraças entre os dedos dos membros ou na ponta das orelhas. Convém não nos esquecer-nos de que todos os anos morrem pessoas com a febre da carraça. Assim se porventura estivermos em ambiente rural ou não e nos aparecer uma febre elevada que parece desaparecer ao fim dos 2 dias mesmo sem qualquer tratamento para reaparecer de novo com igual violência, devemos lembrar ao nosso médico que temos animais de companhia para que nos seja feita a análise da possibilidade de termos a febre da carraça.
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Carraça Fonte: |
We are daily confronted with the claims of our friends and customers that the insecticide products recommended by their veterinary are not working on their pet.
We consider that, mostly in case of fleas, it is necessary to apply a Holistic approach (from Greek Holos which means whole or entire) - treating not only 5% adult incests which are presented on the dog, but as well the 95% of them in form of eggs, nymphs or larvas spread all over the house - mostly on the spots the pet spends most of his time like beds, sofas, and, very commonly, the bed of the proper owner.
In many cases what people think after applying insecticide products, is that the product is not working as soon as fleas seem never to end. Therefore, it is necessary to find the way to get rid of the eggs, nymphs and larvas.
There are two ways to get rid of the eggs, nymphs and larvas. The first way is applying insecticide products designed to eliminate of ants and cockroaches which are available in any supermarket. The second solution has appeared on the market relatively recently and consists of spray of natural products which blocks the respiratory organs of fleas. With no doubt, the second option is of our preference, as soon as it is non invasive and harmless both for us and our pets and it is only available for purchase in veterinary clinics.
In case of ticks, even with applying of insecticide solutions, we recommend to avoid letting your animals staying in the zones with tall thick grass, because even in case of usage the specific products the ticks can still be found between animal's fingers or inside of the ears. It is also important remember that each years there are lethal cases of Tick Fever, therefore if you are spending time in rural place and get high fever with no obvious reasons, which passes away as suddenly as appears and restarts in a few days with equal violence, it is better to remind your doctor that you are an owner of pets, so he could make the necessary tests and exclude the possibility of the Tick Fever.
We consider that, mostly in case of fleas, it is necessary to apply a Holistic approach (from Greek Holos which means whole or entire) - treating not only 5% adult incests which are presented on the dog, but as well the 95% of them in form of eggs, nymphs or larvas spread all over the house - mostly on the spots the pet spends most of his time like beds, sofas, and, very commonly, the bed of the proper owner.
In many cases what people think after applying insecticide products, is that the product is not working as soon as fleas seem never to end. Therefore, it is necessary to find the way to get rid of the eggs, nymphs and larvas.
There are two ways to get rid of the eggs, nymphs and larvas. The first way is applying insecticide products designed to eliminate of ants and cockroaches which are available in any supermarket. The second solution has appeared on the market relatively recently and consists of spray of natural products which blocks the respiratory organs of fleas. With no doubt, the second option is of our preference, as soon as it is non invasive and harmless both for us and our pets and it is only available for purchase in veterinary clinics.
In case of ticks, even with applying of insecticide solutions, we recommend to avoid letting your animals staying in the zones with tall thick grass, because even in case of usage the specific products the ticks can still be found between animal's fingers or inside of the ears. It is also important remember that each years there are lethal cases of Tick Fever, therefore if you are spending time in rural place and get high fever with no obvious reasons, which passes away as suddenly as appears and restarts in a few days with equal violence, it is better to remind your doctor that you are an owner of pets, so he could make the necessary tests and exclude the possibility of the Tick Fever.